Sona Whitepapers
Supporting Scientific Research, Nanoparticles & Targeted Cancer Treatments
- Targeted intra-tumoral hyperthermia using uniquely biocompatible gold nanorods induces strong immunogenic cell death in two immunogenically ‘cold’ tumor models
- The Role of Hyperthermia in the Multidisciplinary Treatment of Malignant Tumors
- Functionalized Gold Nanorods for Tumor Imaging and Targeted Therapy – PMC
- Nanomaterials | Free Full-Text | Potential of Polymeric Films Loaded with Gold Nanorods for Local Hyperthermia Applications
- Effects of differently shaped TiO2NPs (nanospheres, nanorods and nanowires) on the in vitro model (Caco-2/HT29) of the intestinal barrier | Particle and Fibre Toxicology
- Gold nanospheres and nanorods for anti-cancer therapy: comparative studies of fabrication, surface-decoration, and anti-cancer treatments - Nanoscale (RSC Publishing)
Gold Nanorods
- Multifunctional Gold Nanorod for Therapeutic Applications and Pharmaceutical Delivery Considering Cellular Metabolic Responses, Oxidative Stress and Cellular Longevity
- Point-of-Care Diagnostics in Low Resource Settings: Present Status and Future Role of Microfluidics
- Photothermal Therapy Using Gold Nanorods and Near-Infrared Light in a Murine Melanoma Model Increases Survival and Decreases Tumor
- Gold nanorods as contrast agents for biological imaging: optical properties, surface conjugation and photothermal effects
- Fabrication of Gold Nanorods with Tunable Longitudinal Surface Plasmon Resonance Peaks by Reductive Dopamine
- Gold Nanorods: The Most Versatile Plasmonic Nanoparticles | Chemical Reviews
- Nanomaterials: An Overview of Nanorods Synthesis and Optimization |
- Spheres vs. rods: The shape of gold nanoparticles influences aggregation and deposition behavior